A Week Divided:
Monkey Stickers Versus Monster Stickers.
This is the end of the 14th week of a new lifestyle of healthy eating and lots of exercise.
This week I started feeling better after being sick the previous week. We had an oktoberfest block party on Sunday. You know Oktoberfest with beer and super fattening foods? I didn’t need any lederhosen to get down with that. I was into it.
So then Monday and Tuesday were fine. I was catching up with work; still kind of sick and definitely lost exercise groove. Man I just lost it. There was no way I was running anywhere to anyplace.
I was preparing materials for a women in business forum I was to attend on Thursday. I lost production time because I was sick so I focused on work and ate healthy for first half of the week.
But I got thrown and I knew it. I could smell the cheat meal monster stickers in the air.
Wednesday was marked by a collection of frustrating technical issues as I prepared for the women in business forum. So I had two beers that night to chill out (“monster sticker” in little side voice).
Then Thursday was the forum followed by wine and cheese and it was also my one year anniversary of quitting smoking so I had wine with my friends to celebrate. Yeahhhhh (monster sticker)
We have first Friday in our city where galleries and stores have art openings for local artists and what have you. And I usually go. So guess what’s at an art opening? Yup Monster Stickers.
So looking at the calendar you might be blinded by the four count them four monster stickers I deserved. Also note the lack of monkey stickers for exercising. Lack… I mean none. And 5 smiley face stickers for good diet days which I appreciate.
At first I was opting for an upside down smiley sticker for the sticker of the week. You know something reeeal evil. Or Maybe an “F” in big red magic marker for Failure or F-up. But this is the sticker I selected. “I’m Special. “
Hey! This is who I am. I pulsate from balanced activity to occasional leaps out of normal boundaries with everything not just dieting but with love, work, art, cleaning, everything.
I’m learning how to work with my specialness. I refuse to beat myself up. I’m actually relieved because I was waiting for another cheat festival and it came and went without pain and regret. It was fun and I’m done.
Let’s see how this translated on the scale. Last week I weighed 171.4. This week I weigh 171.2
Lost .2 ounces I’m not even going to comment on that. Did I dodge a dieting bullet? Perhaps but even though I cheated multiple times I didn’t make an entire day out of the cheats. I went out of bounds but came back into bounds real quick.
I’m so ready to get back to my groove next week. Be well until then.