I started smoking when I was a teenager. I got waaaay into it. I loved smoking. I still love smoking but I love not smoking a bit more. That’s how I gained the recent pounds that pushed me over the edge and caused all this blogging ruckus.
I quit for eight years awhile back. Imagine that. Quitting for eight years then starting again. Yes, that is how I liked to do things apparently.
I pretty much gained 15 pounds this last year. That’s like one pound a month which makes sense as I experienced a lower metabolic rate from no nicotine rushes and more food intake. Plus I was stressing out and feeding that too.
If I return to smoking I will smoke like a crazy person. I will smoke around newborn kittens. I just won’t care.
I’m lucky I didn’t hit the 200lb mark. I was heading there. Really. Another year and a half at that rate I would’ve arrived at the 200 pound mark. That number frightens me.
The benefits of not smoking are super. I can breath. I have more energy. My dog hangs out with me more. I brush my teeth less than a dozen times a day. My clothes smell nice. My hair smells nice. I have saved oodles of dough.
Yet, sometimes I really miss smoking but I know I can never, ever, never, ever, never, never, never again have a single puff. If I do then I will be smoking a pack within hours. I will smoke 3 cigarettes at once. I will smoke around newborn kittens. I just won’t care. So I am now into a smoke-free second year. If you are a smoker and need encouragement please contact me. I would love to support you. It is very much worth the extreme effort to quit.